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What to do with 1/4 cup of “any nut” on the 6-week Pro-TF Fitness challenge

This first week on the Pro-TF Fitness 6-week challenge, we’ve been working out 3 mornings and sticking to a specific eating plan.

One of the things that are on that nutrition plan every day is a portion of something from the “fat” list. And one of the items in the list is 1/4 cup of “any nut.”

For this item, we’ve come up with a recipe we would like to share:

In a sandwich size ziplock bag mix:

  • 1/4 “any” nut -> we used peanuts
  • 1 tsp pico de gallo powder
  • 1 tsp lime or lemon juice
  • optional: cayenne pepper, to taste, if you want to add some heat

Make sure it’s all mixed well inside the bag. For best results, let it “marinate” for 1-3 hours.

Pro-TF Fitness 6-Week Challenge

So, on Saturday, we started on the Pro-TF Fitness 6-Week Challenge. It’s basically a boot camp to help us plan out our meals and eat a specific diet for our weight loss goals, and of course, lose some weight and volume. Did I mention there’s exercise involved?

On Saturday, we had our orientation, took our “before” photos, and got out weight, height and BMI measured. This is to have a starting point so we can measure progress. The main advantage of going through this challenge with Pro-TF Fitness is that we were also assigned an accountability coach. Accountability seems to be what Pro-TF Fitness is best at, apart from employing very knowledgeable and fun coaches, and the lack thereof appears to be why so many other programs have failed for us in the past.

As I am writing this post, I am having trouble standing up… So, there are daily workout programs that are taught by several different coaches throughout the day and week. We have so far completed two. Here’s the workout plan for the week:

  • Monday: “No Mercy Monday”
  • Tuesday: “TNTuesday”
  • Wednesday: “Legendary Legs Day”
  • Thursday: “Butts and Guts”
  • Friday: “Furious Friday”
  • Saturday: “Sexy Saturday”

Also, as I am writing this, my stomach muscles are still sore from No Mercy Monday – I’m told that it’s the “upper body” day.

Feeling the soreness is not great but it’s good to know and to show me how much I really needed this. I hope that after 6 weeks (better less), I’ll be feeling much better and less sore.

Pro-TF Fitness is also a community where everyone is there to help everyone else succeed, which is really cool, and also acts a lot like a family. We love giving each other high fives!

If this sounds like something you would be interested in too, let us know, using the comment section below or the contact form, or whichever way you generally get in touch with us. You can also reach out to Pro-TF Fitness directly through their Facebook page and learn more about the 6-week challenge. Make sure you tell them you heard about it from us so we can score some extra brownie points 🙂

Join us for a power packed weekend of services with Pastors Mark and Trina Hankins

Services are on

Friday, Feb. 26th – 7:00pm
Saturday, Feb. 27th – 6:00pm
Sun., Feb. – 9:00am/10:45am and 6:00pm

At Spectrum Church in Chula Vista, CA

4378 Lynndale Ln, Chula Vista, CA 91910

More info can be found at

“The vision of Mark Hankins Ministries (MHM) is to take the spirit of faith, the message of  who the believer is in Christ, and the work of the Holy Spirit to  every generation and to every nation.”

Use this flier to print and share with friends 🙂

Business Men’s Fellowship (BMF La Mesa)

The men at BMF La Mesa are from every walk of life. We are christian business owners in all different types of industries. We are of all ages, from every race, ethnic background, and denomination. Some of us were raised in the church while others were not. We are simply you!

And the men of Business Men’s Fellowship are involved in a variety of marketplace ministry activities that are changing the culture of the workplace. Some chapters sponsor highly successful golf tournaments to benefit other ministries or programs. Others sponsor sports programs to benefit youth organizations.

Join Daniel and the men of BMF La Mesa at 7:30am at Denny’s, 6970 Alvarado Rd, San Diego, CA 92120.

Spectrum Church in Chula Vista

Spectrum Church is a progressive, non-denominational church designed to speak to the needs of the 21st Century. We’re a group of friendly, happy people who have discovered that Christianity is relevant to every day life.

At Spectrum Church you’ll:

  • Meet New Friends
  • Enjoy exciting, contemporary music
  • Hear positive, uplifting messages to inspire you
  • Be encouraged as your children’s needs are met

There is a difference at Spectrum Church! The difference is a living Jesus made real by the Holy Spirit in the lives of ordinary people who attend. God wants you to win at “life” and we do too! We have a desire to reach you, a vision to serve you, and the love of God to serve you!

Come and join us at Spectrum Church in Chula Vista